children find it.

How could I tell them that their

father is a... a "(she chokes up and can't finish the sentence) And so our TV abstains and abstains and ab- stains.. until he's ready to burst. Then, he'll do what hundreds and probably thousands of TV's have done and are doing and will continue to do, find a place away from the house where they can dress once in a while and, even better, keep their clothes and "things". And when they meet other TV's with A or B or even C wives, they'll sigh and with the deepest regret they'll say: wish I had a wife like yours. Mine is okay, but.... I wish she'd understand. Here we have a marriage which manages to keep going along, looks fairly solid on the outside but certainly has a leaky bottom below the water line. I give these couples less than a 50-50 chance to successfully finish their wedded lifetime period.

Next let's tip-toe into the household of the E-Wife. Here the leaky bottom has turned into a whole plank missing and everybody is bailing water by the bucketful. She does not want a divorce but won't have anything to do with that "horrible thing". She won't lift a finger to help him in anything having to do with TVism. She takes every opportunity to speak disparagingly of his TV friends, even if she's never met them. He hopeful- ly leaves TVia lying around the house hoping that she'll be curious enough to at least read about it, but she won't. She refuses to be "contaminated" with this ter- rible perversion. Every time they have a quarrel, the first thing she'll throw back at him is his being a TV. If she gets mad enough she'll go through his closet when he is at the office and proceed to destroy systematically everything feminine he owns. She'll be suspicious of any package he brings into the house. She'll watch like a hawk every time he is packing to go on a business trip to make sure he doesn't slip something feminine into his suitcase.

She frankly tells herself that she'd rather see him drunk than dressed as a woman. And many times it turns out to be just that!! He is so frustrated that he exchanges the girdle for a bottle. The tragic thing of these marriages is that her antagonism towards his TV- ism creates a resentment on both sides that begins to expand and include other things that have nothing to